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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Five Questions

Melissa agreed to interview me, here are her five questions. Have a lovely Friday.

1. When you were 10, what did you want to be when you grew up and why?

From about that time for the next 10 years, I wanted to be a hairdresser. I used to cut and style my dolls and barbies. I remember doing something crazy with my friend Jenny's hair and when we showed her mom, she praised me and said I should go to beauty school. So I did. And then. I dropped out.

2. What is your LEAST favorite household chore and why?

Floors. I loathe and despise cleaning floors. The bending and scrubbing hurts my back. I bought a Floormate, but it doesn't quite do the job well enough. I also hate toilets, dusting, getting spiderwebs, bathing Minnie and cleaning up puke.

3. If you had $10,000 to redo any room in your house, which room would it be and how would you do it?

For the first time in a really long time, I have the bedroom to myself, so I choose that room. First I would knock through to the next bedroom. It's designed to be a fourth bedroom or a retreat. I've always wanted to have a retreat. With a huge overstuffed comfy chair in a earthy shade of green for reading or watching TV. A nice chenille blanky draped over the arm. In the bedroom I'd use colors that are currently on my new bedspread. It's Shabby Chic from Target, white with little red and pink flowers and green leaves. The wall behind the bed i'd paint red and fade the rest into pink. The windows would be draped in soft shears in pale pink. I'd buy dressers, preferable antique ones with green running through the grain. Maybe little flowers stenciled throughout. I'd replace the old vanity in my master bath with a nice marble-like top and brushed nickel fixtures. And replace the shower doors that are currently encrusted with soap scum with nice clean privacy glass. I'd also replace the carpet with the last of my money, with a nice Berber, color sagebrush. My first night in my comfy new room, I'd pop in a movie and light some Jasmin scented candles and probably giggle into a pillow because I just blew 10,000!

4. What will you do when you have an empty nest?

Cry. A lot. Autumn used to tell me she wanted to live with me forever. I miss her saying that. I think more and more about this as she gets older. And I honestly have no idea what my life will be like then. But I hope that I enjoy my new found freedom and see where life takes me. She better visit.

5. If you HAD to live another place in the world, where would it be and why?

This one is easy!

Pacific Grove, California. Butterfly Town USA.

For me, this is the most beautiful place there is. I feel like I'm at home when I'm here. I can't imagine not living close to the ocean at any time in my life. Must be that cancer crab in me. I love the sea. I love the smell and the sound. It's soothing. I could sit and stare at it forever. It's a small friendly town, a little touristy just enough to make it charming. I'd love to live on one of the many gorgeous houses that line the sea, get up every morning and walk along beside her.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:04 PM