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Location: Northern California, United States

Hey. I see you there. Thanks for the visit, hope I'll be seeing you again soon.

Slow Your Roll, Cracky
Deordorant Breath
Vintage 88
GAWD it's bright outside
First Day of Junior High
I Like Being Interviewed, It Makes Me Feel Famous
Pants Off Dance Off
What Are You Thinking About This Fine Friday?
Internet Dating for Dummys
To The Dumb Dumb Who Unplugged my Phone Cord From ...

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Friday, September 07, 2007

It's Friday, It's Friday!

AND we've got a birthday in da house. Well here at work. Sorry, it's no one you know. We shall be having german chocolate cake and going out to lunch for a greazy burger I hopes. Today is already lookin 10 times better than yesterday.

It went downhill from the shoo-ing incident. Although, your comments (yes, I mean YOU) made me feel so fucking special, thanks for that. Last night, we attended back to school night. And only 3 out of 5 teachers showed up. Nice huh? C'mon, I made the effort even though I didn't want to go. Back to school night, just makes me feel like I did in school. Like I'm there naked and I can't remember my class schedule. Autumn has a mix of old teachers, so old they tend to "misplace" your homework and new to the school teachers. One so excited about literature, he's going the theme out his room Harry Potter style. I think he's going to be my favorite teacher, cuz he made me giggle a lot. And you must know, even when I was flunking everything, I always passed literature class. Not that you'd know that about me today, but me in jr high/high school..that was me.

Autumn's last class is world history. Never one of my favorite subjects. I remember my first world history class was taught by our high school football coach. He was so military and uninspired. He taught strictly by the work, all papers had to have your name military style and the only movies we could watch were those that starred Charleton Heston. Please don't ask me why, I still don't know. Autumn's world history teacher, for the purposes of this blog we'll call Homer, was the only one that gave us a syllabus. Not that I was expecting that from any of them, but it impressed me that he did. They will be discovering Rome, medievel times and exploring different religions throughout the world. I'm not one of those religeous fanatics who gets all sucked up because they hear the word religion in a classroom. I actually find learning about different religions and the empires they formed fascinating. I'm thinking of taking his class once a week.

My hetero life mate dragged me home from school and plied me with chinese chicken salad and bread so that I'd watchd Big Brother with her. I ate. I watched. No, I'm still not into it. haha Boosted by the food and good company I decided to approach the EX about our living sitch. I keep running up against the same brick wall. I need to move on with my life and can't do it in the quicksand that is our house. He splained to me last night that he's given up on the house and we will need to sell it together after all. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.

I tried to make it clear that I wouldn't be doing all the work on making this dump sellable. Told him what I thought we should focus on but reality is we will still be living there probably until spring. How depressing is that shit. My first reaction is to just cut and run. But that's not very adult. I'll tell ya though, it's my first reaction to everyfuckingthing in my life. I think when you do it even once when faced with a problem (which I have), it becomes a part of your DNA and never leaves. Oh well. Suck it up, Nancy.

Now you see why I'm so excited about some cake and greazy burgers.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:36 AM