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Location: Northern California, United States

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For a couple of months now, it's worked out that w...
The One Where She Got A Tattoo
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Untitled Project with Adam Sandler
Indiana Jones
I had my first bridal shower this weekend and it w...
W is for Weekend
It Still Fits!
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Friday, June 06, 2008

It's Friday!

Today is a new day. I seem to have left all those worries with yesterday and am moving forward into today with a fresh attitude. I have the weekend to look forward to with my love and my daughter. We are going to dinner tonight with my mom for her and J's birthday to a yummy pasta place I haven't been to in ages. We are also making a quick stop at the chiropractor. My back has been screaming and it will be nice to give it a little attention!

Tomorrow we'll probably go looking for J's wedding ring and see a movie. Something nice and relaxing. Sunday we are going to go to church where J has applied for a job. Boy I wish they call him!! Please think good thoughts.

Thanks to my friends who have been so supportive. I've been a big whiner. Thanks for being there for me every day.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:57 AM