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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

Names have been changed to protect the GUILTY

Normally, I would leisurely come into work. Eat breakfast and enjoy my favorite blogs. Not today people. I'm pissed and I came straight to you to get this off my chest. Someone little bitch face 10 year old is bullying my kid at school. A girl who has been a friend, although not a good one, since we moved to Po-Dunk 5 years ago. We've had incidents before and we've gotten together and tried to work them out. This time, I'm at the end of my rope and I'm ready to put it around her little neck.

Yesterday, at the bus stop she was calling my kid a bitch and telling other girls not to be friends with her. Ok, whatever, obviously she doesn't need to be friends with nasty little girls like that. At school, there was some sort of pushing and shoving going on. This was mutual. You may not agree, but I tell my kid if someone pushes you push back. Don't let them think they can just bully you. Otherwise, it will continue. At one point the girl grabs Autumn and kicks her hard in the shin (she was wearing a skirt yesterday dammit) and of course gets right where she already has a quarter size sore. Where were the teachers I wonder??? Ok, this is where I get really really pissed. I wanted to drive right up to that little bitch and slap her down. I know, I know. I'm 35 and she's 10. Yeah, this is WHY I didn't actually do it. Duh. Anyway, for the rest of the day every time bitch face passed her in the hall, she flipped Autumn off. Nice.

This girl has issues. Obviously, she's not getting enough attention (the right kind of attention) at home. My bigger problem with this situation is that I'm friends with the mom. I like her. Honestly, though, I think her parenting skills are lacking. I want to continue our friendship, but I also want this behavior to end. What to do? I consulted another Mom in the neighborhood who is also friends with this mom. She talked me down. See, if I tell the mom I'm sure bitch face will get the crap kicked out of her. You're seeing where the bullying starts, aren't you? *sigh* I told Autumn to just ignore this girl whenever possible. At this point in my typing, I get a call from the school. Yeah, I was nervous. Turns out Autumn is throwing up and I need to come get her. There is a bug going around. She puked on the kid in front of her who started the bug last week. oops.

As we drive home, she tells me that she was trying to stay away from the bitch face, but she kept on following her and pestering. Instead of telling someone, Autumn punched her in the stomach. Again, no teachers???? I don't want the girls to get expelled for fighting. So some action is in order. I'm gonna call my friend and we are going to stage an intervention. We four are going to sit down calmly and talk this shit out. If they can work it out, great. If they agree to disagree and not be friends, that's fine to. But they WILL be civil. DAMMIT I hope it goes well. Of course I'll let you know.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:21 AM