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Sunday, April 09, 2006

Battlestar Galactica

"There are those who believe... that life here... began out there. Far across the universe. With tribes of humans... who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians... or the Toltecs... or the Mayans... that they may have been the architects of the Great Pyramids... or the lost civilizations of Lemuria... or Atlantis... Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man... who even now fight to survive... somewhere beyond the heavens."

I was eight when the original series, Battlestar Galatica, was on. Movies like Star Wars and Close Encounters of the Third Kind had already come out. I was fascinated with space. I really believed that by the year 2000, we'd all be flying around like Judy Jetson. That was the future. Little did I know, my future would have me riding around in a Toyota Camry. Oh well.

I thought I'd catch a show a friend enjoys, since I seem to bully them into watching American Idol a lot. So I got the new Battlestar Galatica The Miniseries on Netflix. I have to say, it's alright. It's campy and has the same mediocre acting the original had. The new series has a few character twists. The Cylons are more modern looking. They don't look like burly men in space suits anymore, they actually looked like machines. There is a new breed of Cylon. A female prototype, who is beautiful, thin and seems to be fascinated various aspects of human life. Oh, and she's a nymphomaniac. I mean of COURSE she is. This IS the Sci-Fi Network we are talking about. Catering to men ages 10 to 80. haha

Starbuck was my favorite character. He was cute. His hobbies were gambling, cigars, hookers and kicking ass in space. In the updated version, he is a woman. Still smoking cigars, but she definitely appears to have a thing for Apollo. Ok, change is good. But I don't know if I can handle Starbuck and Apollo "doing it". ack Lt. Boomer was a young black man in the original, she is now young asian woman. Little bit of trivia here. Does anyone remember who played Apollo's younger brother? He was only in about the first 15 or 20 minutes or so. Can you guess? It was non other than Ricky Springfield! And yes, his lips looked moist. How did he do that??? Lip Smacker? Adama is still crusty and old. The president in the updated show is female. Now that, is cool. It's the future people. Get on board. All in all I give it a thumb up. I've only watched the miniseries so far. I think I'll be checking out the TV series as well. Then we can dish J. :)

Now I know what you're thinking, Line. I'm not any nerdier than that dude you sleep next too. GET ON BOARD.

Dot jumping to light speed. Out.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 3:29 PM