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Location: Northern California, United States

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Monday, May 22, 2006


I stayed pretty low key this past weekend and had some time for reflection. I had to work Saturday and then came home and took a nap which wasted the entire day. Autumn and I got out for a bit on Sunday. We were driving through a little thunder storm and she reminded me of when she was little and if there was lightening I didn't want her to be scared so I'd say, "Look up and say cheese, God's taking your picture." I miss that little cutie sometimes. Then other times I remember that No, the Devil Doesn't Wear Prada, she wore Osh Kosh B'Gosh!

We found an old video I'd taken when we were first living out here. My video camera has probably been sitting in the closet since 2003. We charged up the battery and had a look at what memories were in there. There was a squeaky little voice coming from behind the camera and Autumn asked who that was. It was her. She was small, bony and squeaky back in 2001. Interesting side note, I was taking video of the cats being weird and in the background the news was on. It was November 2001. I can't hear clearly what is being said on the news, but whatever it was made me swear and become very agitated. Something about terrorists or the war. A little bit of our sad history captured on tape. Back to the devil, I mean Autumn. haha I found my dear friend, Beth, on that tape. We worked together here in California for a couple of years and then she decided to move back to Massachusetts. She came back for one visit. We went to a wedding with friends and she stayed with us for the weekend. I have her happy/sad goodbye on tape. She helped Autumn perfect the art of the boo boo lip that weekend.

I have snippets of Christmas from that year. Friends and family over with a bunch of little kids opening presents. I have my newphew shouting, "Hey! You got me a bunch of stuff I already have!" Hey, he was only 6. And confused. He later said he didn't have any of that stuff and was happy. M took a good one of Autumn practicing casting for the next time Daddy took her out fishing. He tied a teenie beenie baby onto the end of her line for weight and she sat in the front yard and practiced. Every now and then she'd wave really quick to her Dad.

I wish I had more than the one tape of memories. I never really got into making video's. And really, am I gonna be old and have nothing better to do than sit and watch old video tapes and cry about my lost youth? Geez, I hope not. But it nice to have tiny pieces of memories on tape.

This is that small, bony, squeaky girl.

These are the friends at the wedding.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 1:38 PM