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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

You're Not Fat

How do you raise a healthy kid? It's a tough question to answer, isn't it? I realize now why my mother chose not to talk to me about these things. In her mind, it must have seemed easier to just not saying anything about the tough topics. I'm all for choosing the easy road in most cases. But in this case, I simply cannot. I had all these crazy ideas that I would raise a child who would be open about dicussing her body, her thoughts, changes she's going through, health and boys etc. What a dream that was. Well, I can't say she's completely closed. She refuses to discuss her body changes and I let her know I'm there if she ever has any questions. And leave that one alone. She's very open about discussing her friends, their current likes and dislikes. She talks about boys. She's at such an innocent stage right now. I love it.

As I've been doing weight watchers, I've decided that we can be open about that as well. I told her I was learning to eat healthier and the goal was to lose weight. I let her take a look at the books I received from WW. I try to talk to her about healthy choices without trying to sound like a drill sargent and comment about every little thing that goes in her mouth. I tell her that we can have whatever we want as long as it's in moderation. And I teach her what moderation is. It helps that the high school football coach is also her PE teacher this year at school. He's very health conscience and talks to the kids about healthy choices.

I was explaining to M about a conversation we had Monday night. I'd bought some skinny cow ice cream sandwiches (Lordy those are good) and Autumn thought they were the best EVER. She wanted to eat two. She was talking about eating another as she was still finishing the first. I recognize this behavior. I can't stop thinking about how good something is so I keep eating til the next thought is ohmygod I think I'm gonna puke. I don't want Autumn to live like that. So I explain healthy choices. I said I know it's good, and think of how good it will be to have another one tomorrow after dinner. You could have two now but you won't have another tomrrow. She's the same way with burgers. One is good, but two must be better. I tell her that she should eat one and see how her tummy feels. Chances are you'll be full after the first. Of course, she sees that I'm right in the end. She chose to only eat one ice cream that night and we enjoyed one together last night. M says that I shouldn't be afraid to tell her if she eats two ice creams she'll get fat like we are. I don't want her head to be filled with thought about getting fat. She's in a stage now where she still mimics our behavior. I want her to mimic making good choices rather than looking at herself as fat. I tried to explain this to him. I'll keep trying. He's more direct (althought most of the time he's not when communicating with his wife) and I'm being more subtle (opposite of my normal behavior). I'm looking to make healthy choices for the long run for all of us.

I'll let you know in another 10 years if I was sucessful :)

posted by Autumn's Mom at 2:37 PM