Morning Routine
Every morning, I leisurely start my day here at work. I get in about 8 am. Unlock everything and turn off the alarm. BoBo Kitty is usually waiting for me to feed him and pet him. I turn on my computer and read my email. Then I check my blogs. J, you are the first one I see everymorning. Thought you'd like that. I check all my friends, make some comments, chuckle. I start thinking of my own post I'd like to write that day. I'm not much of a planner. I don't have 2 or 3 posts in the can just waiting for me. The only time I did that...I ended up deleting it because by the time I got to it I just wasn't feeling it anymore. Around 8:30, my pal Bill shows up. He's in his 50's and loves music. He comes in very chipper every morning. The first thing he does in the morning is turn on the XM radio for us to listen to. Can I tell you how much I love this??? Today we started off the day with a little Donna Summer, Dim All the Lights. He turns it up real loud before the big boss comes in. We groove. It's a great way to start the day.
Sadly, the music is now turned down. The piles and piles of work is calling to me. Must get working. Periodically, I come back to the internet to see how everyone is doing. Ok, like every half an hour my mind needs a fucking break. haha I chat on Yahoo. A lot. Starshine, do You yahoo??? Before I know it, it's 5 PM. It's not a bad life at all. I've done the high pressure, commute back and forth thing. This, is so much better.