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Location: Northern California, United States

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Monday, August 07, 2006

Baby It's Cold Outside

What is up with the weather. Hello? It's California. Where is the sunshine??? It's cold, windy and overcast. I'm actually wearing a sweatshirt and (gasp!!) long pants. (Long pants that barely fit by the way -- whoop whoop)

Went to the outlets to get the demon seed new shoes for school. They cost twice as much as the pair I got her last year. We got a coupon for $25 off our next purchase, which means we'll be going back to that store and spending even more money with them. Evil. But hey, it's $25 free dollars!!! haha I'm a sucker, I know. Came home to find that my FIL's piece of SHIT Dodge was still sitting broken in my garage. Just so you know, Papa Stick, I blew that fucker to bits and will be mailing you the ashes today. Now my brand new car will have the brave the elements this week in the driveway. I mean, that's like letting my dog sleep outside. Oh the HORROR. I'm just whining, don't pay any attention to me. I can't help it, I was just born this way. I don't know really what to do with myself if I don't have anything to whine about.

Segway back to the weather. It gets very VERY windy where I live. We live next to this stupid retirement community that spends way too much money on these flags that point out "OLD PEOPLE, ENTER HERE". Each month, they put up new flags promoting their latest development and a few weeks later they are nothing but a tattered blur blowing in the wind. I'm looking at them now. Any minute they are going to blow completely off onto some raisin's car and cause a crash. Luckily, an ambulance drives into the development every five minutes. I'm totally not kidding on that one. We have a joke here, when we see an ambulance pulling up. "Difficulty Breathing". It's one of their highest calls.

Make me jealous, tell me what the weather is like where you are.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:14 AM