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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

School Shopping

It's that time boys & girls. Time to stock up on school supplies. We are counting down the days til school starts. 21 days to be exact. My daughter is pretty spoiled so clothes she does not need. She's very excited to go to Staples to get school supplies. Remember when we just went to Target for that stuff? She loves Staples. She kept text messaging me this weekend..."when are we going to Staples??"

I like back to school time. I like to shop. I like buying all the little doo-dads that she's going to need. What I don't like is that our school is incredibly lame and they don't post a list of what each grade in middle school is going to need. So we'll be using whatever lists they have posted at the store for her grade. I'm sure once she starts school, we'll have to go back for whatever was missed. Since I like shopping, this won't be a problem.

It will be good to break up my week by having to leave town to go shopping. For the past two days I've been either home or at a neighbors pretending margaritas are the new diet drink. You know sometimes you just get a taste for something and you just have to have it all the time til you get sick of it? I'm not a drinker. Most days I just have diet soda. But lately, the salty sweetness has been calling my name! I got a couples of bottles of pre-mixed margaritas for my birthday. I'm thinking once I finish those off, I won't be buying any more for awhile. Or I could just walk an extra mile! What do you think J?

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:39 AM