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Location: Northern California, United States

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School Shopping
Joey's Sick
Where I'd Like To Be Sprinkled When I Die
Is It The Weekend Yet?
Workin Nights
Eat a Balloon and Lose Weight
The Weekend
Clothes Whore
Crazy Thursday Thirteen

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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Thursday 13


I'm spinning on some kind of wonder drug this morning. Here are thirteen things I've accomplished so far.

1) Got up at 5 AM and walked. Yes, that's right. 5 AM. I couldn't sleep. Figured I'd walk it out.

2) Ran into the neighborhood girlies on my walk. Made the whole thing that much more fun. They were SHOCKED to see my ass out there.

3) Came home and did a load of laundry.

4) Showered and did my hair (straightened)

5) Made myself some eggs with mushrooms & green onion. Smothered it in catsup and ate that shit!

6) Did the dishes while that was cookin.

7) No, I'm not on crack. I swear.

8) Put some clothes that have been sitting in the livingroom away. I like to wash and fold my clothes. But I don't like to put them away.

9) Fed the dog. Tried to get her to stay outside like yesterday. She didn't go for it.

10) Fed the cats. Joey is lookin pretty thin. He doesn't like his new food. He wants his squishy num nums.

11) Checked on Autumn. She was snooring away.

12) Opened up the house to let some fresh air in.

13) Threw out some garbage on my way to work.

Now I'm about pooped. Good thing I'm at work now and can nap.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:11 AM