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Location: Northern California, United States

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7 Things That Happened to Me As A Teen
Five Questions
Hello Gorgeous!
I'm Barry Effin Gibb!!
Do You Know Where Your Prom Date Is?
Mean Girls
It's Friday, But It Doesn't Feel Like It!
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Questionable Wednesday

The lovely ML sent me some questions cuz she likes me :D

1. If you could go back and live in the past but not return back to the present, would you do so?

Being a psycho split personality I would say yes and no. If I say yes, then I would like to go back to the 40's. Sing for the boys. Rock a tight skirt and kooky little hat. The other part of me says, no way I'm leaving what I got here!

2. After you die, you are given the chance to be reborn and choose your gender. Which would you choose?

Ain't no way I'm leaving blissful heaven and coming back down on this armpit. If I was pushed, I'd come back as a female. A tall, thin, lanky powerful female. With red hair.

3. What is the most important thing you've accomplished in your life? So far?

Getting through this farce called life without killing myself or anyone else. That's huge.

4. A person you don't like has toilet paper sticking out of their pants, wafting around their backside. Would you tell them?

Hell. No. I wouldn't tell them. But I'd probably post a picture of it here on my blog and tell you all.

5. If time and money were no object, how would you spend your day tomorrow?

I would gather my friends and rent a jet going to Italy. Check out The Last Supper, Sistine Chapel, take a gondola in Venice and mangiare tutto!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:02 AM