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Friday, August 11, 2006

Fast Five Friday

I'm robbing my friend J for her Fast Five Friday because I got nothing. Enjoy. Play along. Bite me.

Fast Five #1
I wanna know:

1. What reading material is currently on your nightstand?
2. What jewelry are you wearing right now, or did you wear today?
3. What is the last beverage you consumed?
4. Are you left-handed or right-handed?
5. What's your cell phone ring tone?

My Answers::

1. I don't read in bead, so the only thing on my nightstand is my Be Delicious perfume and my Nana's jewelry box. I dont' currently have any books in waiting. Lame.

2. I am not wearing any jewelry. I rarely do. My favorite piece of jewelry is a plan silver bracelet that my co-worker brought back from Mexico.

3. The last beverage I consumed (and am still consuming is a large diet coke from McDonalds. I ate breakfast at home but had nothing but water to drink. I needed a little caffeine.

4. I am right handed.

5. My current cell phone ring is Hysteria by Def Leppard. I'm going to see them and Journey in concert at the end of the month. If I could get Hi-Fi ringers (where you hear a clip of the actual song) I would get Christina Aguilera's new single Ain't No Other Man.

Fast Five #2
I wanna know:

1. Gum, mints, or Tic-Tacs? And what flavor?
2. What kind of shoes are you wearing?
3. Suri Cruise: real or imaginary?
4. What kind of entertainment do you listen to in the car -- radio, CD, talk show, or none of the above?
5. Did you ever want to change your name as a kid? If so, what was your favorite "new" name?

My Answers::

1. Tic-Tacs. I currently have the little white ones (wintergreen??) I dont' chew gum much because it makes my jaw hurt.

2. I'm wearing black chunky flip flops from the Bass outlet. I pretty much wear flip flops every day because I can. I was going to post a picture of my "whore's toes" maybe tomorrow.

3. I like to pretend that Suri Cruise is pretend because all that nonsense is just freakin weird. I'm sure she's real if the one thing he can do right is pretect his child, that's great. I still think he's the devil incarnate though. And I don't like his movies.

4. I go back and forth between KCBS news radio and CD's. Next month I'll be investing in Sirius sattelite radio for the car.

5. I ALWAYS wanted to change my name when I was a kid. My name is like my grandmothers name. Not cool for a child. So I had two names in the can for emergencies. Jane was one. I met a girl who spelled her Jayne. I thought that was so cool. My "stage" name for when we played around was always Valerie.

I'm not even going to come up with my own fast five here. Still borrowing from J. hahaha What a WEEZER!

J's Fast Five
She wants to know:
1. Do you prefer rainy, misty weather, or hot dry weather?
2. Drive or Fly?
3. What did you watch on TV last night?
4. What do you have at home from Netflix?
5. Speaking of movies, what do you recommend?

1. I like hot weather. I like being outside and getting a little sun. I also like the option of going inside to air conditioning if I so choose. When I'm snuggled in my bed, I love a rainy night. Eddie Rabbit knew what he was talkin about. haha

2. I always to prefer to drive. I've always hated flying and recently it's just become a little to scary for me. Plus I never go anywhere anyway.

3. Last night I watched Charmed that I had TiVo'd. There wasn't much on.

4. Currently I have Inside Man with Denzel Washington and Clive Owen (Clive is YUM) and Nixon. I just sent back Disc 1 of Amazing Stories.

5. Movies I would recomment on Netflix are Sense and Sensability with Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet. This is my favorite Jane Austin story. I never got into the book but I love this one and Price and Prejudice with Kiera Knightly. I would also suggest Weeds Season 1. This is an awesome show. It was so good I almost picked up Showtime, but remembered it's mostly porn. So I'll wait for season 2 on Netflix!!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:14 AM