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Location: Northern California, United States

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Post Contains Donut Holes and Vomit
Breaking New Ground
Ode To Little Dog
Baby It's Cold Outside
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Thursday 13
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Geeky Friend: Tommy's Daddy


Thursday, August 17, 2006


Last night, I had a chance to have dinner with my friend Lizzie and her family. I don't see them nearly enough because her son would hardly look at me when we met up. We met at Fresh Choice because I need to eat salad. hahaha Yes, salad and corn muffins! In line I bribed Tommy with some noodles and he seemed to warm up a little. He's at such a great age (1 1/2) where he's learning so much and talking up a storm. I was impressed that he knows the words for pretty much ever fruit and vegetable. He excitedly pointed out banana's and apples. He even offered me a mushroooom. Unfortunately, it was the one he'd already put in his mouth so I declined.

After dinner, Lizzie announced she wanted Gelato. Well, alrighty, let's go. We went to a little gelato shop which I never even knew was there between Il Fornio and Jamba Juice. Maybe it's new? She told me I should try the Mojito flavor, a little shot of minty heaven? It was pretty crowded so when it was finally my turn I just ordered my cup. Milk chocolate and peanut butter chip. I'll be honest, I didn't think I was gonna like it. I usually think that about everything and half the time I'm wrong. This was one of those times. What a delicious soft treat. I liked that it's softer and very flavorful. I made sure each bite was equal parts peanut butter and chocolate and at the very end I just mixed them together. So so very good. I'm not even going to worry about how many points it was.

We took our gelato out into the courtyard where there is a fountain. By this time it was pretty darn cold and windy. Hello, isn't it August??? Hot August nights? Yea, no. We watched Tommy run a couple of times around the fountain and finished our treat. Any further walking was just out of the question. Lizzie's sister was shivering, I had a shiver. It was just time to go. As we walked back to the car, we passed a man and his dog. Or as Tommy puts it dogggeeee. Dogggeeee. Emphasis on the geee hahaha. I love little kids. Well, little kids who go home with their parents at the end of the evening!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:08 AM