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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Where In The World Is Dot??

I was gone for an entire day, did you miss me? Yea, you did. Thanks. Someone on a back hoe accidentally cut through some phone wires yesterday. I had no cell phone, no long distance work phone and no internet. I can live quite nicely without the first two, but no internet?? All day?? It was rough, to say the least. I felt completely cut off from the world. Thankfully, I could still call my daughter during the day. Today, it appears we are back to normal.

Yesterday, I had written a post about my hang nail on my toe. But now that it's not hurting anymore, I'm just not feeling it. So I won't bore you with the gory details. haha I commented on Maya's Granny that I had watched a show last night called Taste of America. It's on the Travel Channel and this dude Mark travels to different cities trying foods they are famous for. Last night, he visited Fairbanks, Alaska. Of course there was salmon. Can I just tell you how much I love salmon?? I'm not a big fish eater, but I could eat Salmon all the time! Anyway, Mark visited a family that had a lovely house on a lake. A house you could only get to by Cesna. How cool is that??? They served grilled Salmon with a very light sesame sauce. I just kept imagining myself teleporting into the TV to that BBQ. I couldn't tell you what they served with it because I just kept thinking about that salmon. This must be a salmon record, how many times salmon can be used in a post. haha

He also visited a school where the children were taught and had a chance to make a traditional alaskan treat, fish ice cream. It's not ice cream like we know it. In fact, it's not cold. It's made with animal fat (Moose), or if that's not available Crisco, this is whipped by hand for half an hour to get it really fluffy. There's some sugar and evaporated milk in there too. Then you fold in the FISH. Yes, real fish. Then you add berries for the sweet flavor. This is all mixed by hand. And by hand, I mean they had gloves on and used their hands to actually do the mixing. Once mixed thoroughly, serve. I noticed (and so did the kids) that Mark only took a small bite. It was great to see these kids really enjoy this treat. The kids I know would have turned their noses up at anything with fish in it. Even if it was all sugary.

We love watching the travel channel. They have some really great shows like this where the host travel to different places and you get a peek into what america and the world is eating. Anthony Bourdain No Reservations is by far our favorite. This coming Monday they are doing a show from Beruit and apparently it was filmed just as the beginning of the latest violence over there. Should be very interesting. Anthony is a little rough around the edges in the beginning but you really begin to appreciate his sense of humor and his love for the places he visits. Oh yea, and the FOOD!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:01 AM