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Location: Northern California, United States

Hey. I see you there. Thanks for the visit, hope I'll be seeing you again soon.

It's The First Day of School!!!!!
The Devil Eats Peanut M&M's
The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
It's Gonna Be One Of Those Days
Where In The World Is Dot??
Back To School
Fast Five Friday
Post Contains Donut Holes and Vomit
Breaking New Ground

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The One Where I Toot Autumn's Horn

A lot has happened since we last talked. Autumn had her first day of school, as you know. I was excited to hear about it so I ran an errand for work and of course, swung by home. I like that I get to do that. She was home already on the computer of course. Before I can get any answers out of her, she shows me her school bag, bursting at the seams with brand new school books. Three of them. I began wondering how she lugged this 40 lb bag home from the bus stop. No No NO. Thoughts of Autumn laid up in traction were clouding my vision as I told her that this was not a suitable book bag for this kind of load. Confrontation is not something Autumn and I do well. I usually put my foot down (all the way down my throat) and she fights me tooth and nail. As I tell her again that this is just not going to work she shrieks and runs for the hills. Unbelievable. I was so disappointed. I thought I'd come home and I'd laugh as she told me how her day was in the cute, animated way she usually does.

Defeated, I returned to work. I told my story twice to two different people before she called me at work. Thankfully, she ate and was feeling more human. She'd called her girlfriend and asked her if there were books that were to be left at home, which there were two. So the book load would be managable in the crappy messenger bag she can't seem to live without. Thanks be to God. At this point, the story of her day just spilled out over the phone. She loves sixth grade. She likes her classes. Yes, LD, she's already "played" with her math book. N-E-R-D I'm just not sure how one "plays" with a math book but I'm just gonna go with it. Towards the end of our conversation I was on the verge of tears. She made up with her friend, formerly known her as bitch face. I guess I'll have to come up with a new name for her. Apparently, I heard from the mother, Autumn went up to her and apologized for their troubles last year. They were friendly all day and rode the bus home together. I'm going to gloat a bit here. The tone of my friend's (the other mother) voice and something she said made me believe that she was a little disappointed that her daughter wasn't the girl to swallow her pride today. I savored this a little. Today, my girl was humble. I may spend a lot of time this year reminding her to be the good girl, but today I'm savoring it like a good prime rib dinner. (yes, I'm still fucking hungry).

I'm so glad this day has come and gone already. I'd been eating all my frustrations, worrying about how she and this girl were going to get along in the same class. Worrying about money. Worrying about committments I'd made but not necessarily wanted to fulfill. I can honestly say that I've my prayers have been answered and I was able to face up to some other things I'd kept putting off. My plate is now clean. (geez I really need to stop with the food metaphors don't I?) I'm ready to have a great weekend!

Here is a glimpse of Autumn dressed for her second day of school. My little fashionista!


posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:57 PM