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Monday, June 16, 2008


My dear friend Julie lost her mom this weekend to congestive heart failure. I'd never met her mom, just knew her through her blog and through Julie of course. She has so many wonderful stories that she was able write about before she was sick. If you have a chance, please go check them out.

Julie has been having some real hard times as of late, but through it all, has always found the good that also comes along with the bad. It's never easy to lose a parent. It's something we all know we will go through some day, something we dread. Sometimes we can see it coming and sometimes it takes us by complete surprise. Either way, it's never easy. I guess we can say that the suffering as we knew it is over, and now the healing can begin.

Jules, I'm glad you have your family surrounding you. I know you'll be ok, eventually. I picture you mom like you described in your dream, and where ever she is she's patting herself on her self on the back because she raised a wonderful daughter in you.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:56 AM