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Thursday, June 19, 2008

So Wrong

I read an article today about a 12 year old girl from Canada who sued her father over a punishment and got her punishment overturned!

I read further with an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach, did they lock their kid in a dungeon? Take away her dinner? I mean, really it had to be something really bad, right? I read through the article , and they felt like I had to shake my computer to see if there was anything else to this story. There wasn't.

So she's been a behavior problem, she's going on the internet when she's not supposed to, posting naughty pictures of herself and her parents have grounded her and they removed the privilege of going on a school field trip. Bravo to them. Then this brat somehow takes her parents to court to sue them over their audacity to care about her. She must have cried some pretty big crocodile tears for this judge to overturn her punishment. Too excessive? Really? I know this happened in Canada, but seriously, I don't think it's too far fetched to think that this could happen right here in America.

What kind of message is this sending?? If I send my kid to her room, am I going to get served the next day for cruel and unusual punishment? I can just imagine the gloat on this girls face. Of course I can't help picturing my own daughter. If this were my daughter, I'd think of emancipating her sorry butt and see how she really likes the big, bad world.

File this one under WTF?!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 12:57 PM