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Friday, May 30, 2008

Untitled Project with Adam Sandler

I was goofing around in IMDB today. I think it's funny when they list a new movie for an actor and they have no idea what it is but it stars Adam Sandler. I wish I could say, I've been on hiatus from my blog because of my upcoming untitled project with Adam Sandler. Would you like me more? Or less. Is it because of Adam Sandler? Cuz I can kick that bitch to the curb for you Internet.

I've been toiling all week trying to find the time to post something on this blasted thing. I decided to join Sunshine's Tattoo Party and then I thought why do I do this to myself? I'm already having trouble on this sinking ship why draw attention to myself??? Anyway, check her out next week and I promise to tell you the story behind my tattoo. I'll try to fabricate something extra special to make it seem more interesting that it actually was. Here's a hint, my tat is NOT ON MY BUTT. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Even though we ALL know there is...but I digress.

Back to my upcoming untitled project. I lied. It doesn't star Adam Sandler. He won't return my calls and I received a restraining order this morning which I'm violating right now by even posting his name here. Why won't you love me Adam???

My next project is actually moving. My future life mate and I do not reside together, but it's getting to be that time in our lives, since were are getting hitched and all..that we think about shacking up. It's hard enough to choose the right place you want to settle down, but to have stupid time constraints like when school years begin isn't helping. There are probably about three possibilities right now we are mulling over (and my mulling I mean arguing, whining, crying, farting, spitting..I could go on. Actually J could because I know he's tired of the farting for sure) and every fucking one of them has a different school schedule. When did every school decide, to break with tradition and close their eyes and pick the most jacked up schedules ever assembled by humans? Whatever happened to back to school the day after labor day? That was such a happy time. You literally had the WHOLE summer to goof off! and you didn't have to go back until September!

Now it seems to make no sense at all. Where I live school starts towards the end of August on a Wednesday. Why a Wednesday? Is it really too hard for the children to wake up Monday and go to school? Um, cuz when they get older, I'm pretty sure they'll need to wake up on Monday and go to college. And then their job. So WTF are we preparing them for?? Other than that, what I like is that the entire district is on the same page. Our kids will be at two different schools, but they all start on the same days and have the same holiday schedules.

Another prospect is to move close to where J lives. Great. They start school August 11. We are making progress, because it's a Monday and all. But I won't even be back from my honeymoon on August 11. Sheesh Why must we have year round, modified tradition and traditional all in the same school district? Are they trying to give parents more stress in their lives? Because I'm already walking like Tweak on South Park and I don't drink coffee!

Third prospect just sux and I don't even want to discuss it except that it includes two separate school start dates in two different months. I'm sorry, I just can't wrap my little brain around that right now. Shakes head in twitch motion to the left.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 12:50 PM - 1 WTF!


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Indiana Jones

Will you be going to see the new Indiana Jones movie?

I have always been a fan of these movies, but I must agree with Roger Ebert that Raiders of the Lost Ark is the ultimate best of the series. Sidebar here, but I am such a fan of Rogers. I take his review into consideration when I am checking out a new flick. What am going to do when he's gone??? Here's hoping he's going to be around for awhile longer! Anyway, Roger says that Harrison looks the same as he did in the last few movies...which is amazing to me because he looks pretty worn out to me. Must be the hat? (must remember this for my own old age. BUY A HAT)

My family is going to see the movie Friday night without Autumn and I. We will be spending time with LynnDenise and hopefully shopping. I'll be sad to miss the flick, but if it's good enough, J will go again and see it with just me. Unless there is some sort of dark and sinister forces from beyond the grave, Autumn won't be interested. She has become a fan of the macabre. Kinda matches her hair.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:39 AM - 6 WTF!


Monday, May 19, 2008

I had my first bridal shower this weekend and it was lovely! It was an intimate gathering of myself, Cherry, Lizzie and Julie. We lunched at Chevy's. We sat by the door so it was a little hot in there. I only was able to gulp down one weak margarita. I ended up back at Chevy's last night and they were MUCHO stronger. I still only had one but was pretty much passed out in the car on the way home. I told J, ask me anything you want now...cuz you may not get this opportunity again. ha!

Anyway, I wanted to thank my dear friends for spending the time with me. I LOVE the showering. They know me well, I received lots of margarita glasses and pizza accessories! whoooooo! I think they are trying to tell me they'd like an invite over for drinks and a slice!

Julie, me and Cherry. Sorry Lizzie!!! (she had to go before pic was taken.)

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:14 AM - 8 WTF!


Friday, May 16, 2008

W is for Weekend

This was supposed to be my post for W last month. I still want to post it so here goes:

Below are pictures of our weekend in LA and our trip to Disneyland. We had a great time. We stayed with some friends and all of our kids got along well.

All strapped into the minivan ready to go.

Mi Familia

This is my favorite pic of Aut and her little baby doll Josh.

Do I HAVE to wear these ears???

Say Cheese!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 12:13 PM - 4 WTF!


Monday, May 12, 2008

It Still Fits!

Saturday I had my fitting for my wedding dress. My two lovlies, Cherry and Lizzie, came with me. Thankfully the thing still zips! whoop Whoop. The fitting was good. The cost, not so much. They have to move some of the flowers up a little from the bottom as a part of the hem and I have four loops to my bustle to cover my big ass. But all is well. Dress will be ready in July. After, we had a nice visit at Starbucks where we watched little baby Carline try to climb the wall. She's a busy little Bee!

Yesterday was the best Mother's Day ever. My family made me breakfast in bed, brought me a bouquet of daisies, and wrote me a wonderful card. It was so beautiful and thoughtful, I'm not used to such a fuss. We spent the rest of the day lounging..then left for a late lunch at Mary's Pizza Shack. They were giving away free Mud Pies to all the moms. YUM I couldn't have asked for a nicer day. Thanks future hubby!!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:41 AM - 6 WTF!


Thursday, May 08, 2008

Coca Cola

Hey Ma,

On this date in 1886, John Stith Pemberton invented coca cola. He was a pharmacist who's intention with the elixir was to cure headaches and calm nervousness. He marketed the beverage as 'delicious, refreshing, exhilarating, invigorating' and touted as a 'valuable brain tonic' that would cure headaches, relieve exhaustion and calm nerves. Another interesting tidbit is that the original formula supposedly called for 8.46 mg of cocaine. Wikipedia says the average "dose" of the street drug is 20-30mg. hmmm just enough to get you addicted?

John Pemberton died two years later, plagued by heath problems and addiction to Morphine and Opium. He sold the rights to the formula before his passing and his family did not reap the rewards of this significant invention.

Should be filed under DUMBASS.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 10:59 AM - 4 WTF!


Wednesday, May 07, 2008


posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:10 AM - 7 WTF!


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Lars and the Real Girl

This is the story of Lars Lindstrom. He lives in the garage, on the property he inherited with his brother. His brother, Gus and his sister in law, Karen live in the house. Lars functions in life, he takes care of himself, goes to work every day but as the shell of a man. He's painfully shy with everyone including his family and his co-workers. They all though, continue to reach out to him. Karen is constantly trying to ambush him in the drive way to get him to come to breakfast or dinner. His co-workers try to engage him in conversation, no matter how lame or sometimes perverted. He even has a girl at work that has a major crush on him.

Lars has too much of a problem connecting with people, so he buys an atomically correct female doll on line and begins introducing her around town as his girlfriend, Bianca. Lars is finally able to come out of his shell as long as he has this doll by side. She is very real to him. And with her, his family and the entire town rallying behind him, Lars is able to confront his fears and grow into a whole human being.

This movie turned out to be the sweetest movie I've seen in a long time. Ryan Gosling gives a heart breaking performance as Lars. Emily Mortimer plays his sister in law Karen who it seems will never give up trying to bring Lars out of his shell. The film doesn't delve to far into Lars past but it gives you enough of a clue as to why he is the way he is. I felt this was ok because it kept the tone of the film a little lighter, a little warmer perhaps. And when it tugs at your heart strings, it's humor pulls you back quickly enough that you don't dwell in it too long.

I don't want to give too much away about this movie, but I think it's a definite must see. I'd give it 3 stars.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:12 AM - 3 WTF!